Outdoor Playtime

Activities to keep the old bod from atrophying

The Overgrown Path

The Overgrown Path

I finally managed to fit in a 2012 camping trip last weekend. We decided to go somewhere we hadn’t been before — Itasca State Park. The problem, I discovered, with going somewhere new is you don’t know all the ins and outs of the area. The first out came when we went to our reserved,…

Hot Fun in the Summertime

Hot Fun in the Summertime

It was a mindblowingly hot weekend for early June in Minnesota. I don’t do well with heat and humidity – I get migraines — so if this weekend’s weather was any indication of how most of the summer is going to go, I’m in big trouble. But there was some relief. And no, I didn’t…

Snow Deprivation

Snow Deprivation

Snow has many sounds Depending on the temperatures Before, during, and after Walking the paths It can be like Stepping on Rice Crispies Snap crackle pop! Squeeky Like new tennis shoes  On a gym floor Or shooshy  Like a slinky Coming down the stairs These days, There is an abundance Of slip and slide If…