dog playtime

Winter Wondering Wonderland

Winter Wondering Wonderland

Okay. I’ve been rewriting this blog post all week because it keeps sounding too negative and depressing. I think a lot of what I’m thinking and feeling comes from aging and feeling all the possibilities move out of reach in so many areas of my life. It’s hardest at work, where most people are younger…

Are You Winter Worn Yet?

Are You Winter Worn Yet?

It’s been crazy cold and snowy here in Minnesota this winter. Those who don’t live here probably think that’s nothing new, but we’ve been spoiled for a while now with mild, almost snowless winters. Time to get our Minnesotan back on! The chickens are hanging in there, thanks to the addition of a heat light…

Unrestrained Dog Joy

Unrestrained Dog Joy

I loved so many photos that I took at the local Game Fair last Saturday that it was difficult to select which ones to put into this blog post. This wasn’t because so many shots were good – many are fuzzy, cluttered or have fence wires running through them – but through all of that,…