Self Surplus Art Exhibit
(it says “Country” with two guitars on the back).
On Saturday, Lynn and I went to Art-A-Whirl, a yearly event where artists of all kinds open their studios to the public and sell their goods. Lynn knows a couple of the artists that were participating and I’ve just always wanted to go and see what it’s all about. There was a pretty good crowd at…
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Some overwhelmed people hang out at a bar and pour out their troubles to a bartender. I prefer talking to my hair stylist.
Sometimes we balk at embarking on an enterprise because we’re afraid of being alone. We feel comfortable with the tribe around us; it makes us nervous going off into the woods on our own. ~ Steven Pressfield, “the War of Art” I’ve been home from my vacation/writing retreat and back to my usual routine for…
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This is my third post about taking a writing class with Elizabeth Jarrett Andrew at the Madeline Island School of the Arts (MISE). Journal Entry from Wednesday July 31, 2013 It’s my third day on Madeline Island. So far it’s been intense, wonderful, exhausting, overwhelming, exciting and frustrating. I’m going around in circles trying to select one…
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Cool! I’ve always loved line drawings. Not much to hide behind there. I’m sure Lain would concur, the vest is only to be worn ironically. You’re only allowed to wear it if you also wear the amo belt and skinny jeans, and maybe some punk ass shirt. 😉 If you do, please post pics!
Oooh! Scary picture forming in mind! Need to vanquish!
Love the show…wish I could have been there. Beautiful line drawings…it’s hard to keep context when working so large…great job.
Now, where can i get an amo belt? Do ya think it comes in a size 14?
Well! Lain’s drawings are great!!!! His surplus concept is excellent, and the white refreshments were perfect for the occasion. As a retired art teacher, I am impressed. It looks like you and your sister had a great time. Thanks for the comments.
I love your son’s line drawings – the simplicity is great. I bet that he was very glad to have family there!