Just a Walk in the Park

Solo Trail Ride

Squeeking of leather

Calling of birds

Riding in the woods

It’s too purty for words.

Just me and my horse

Ambling along.

It’s such a wonderful feeling

Wanna break out in song.

I found a melody

In the beating of hooves

As my troubles drift off

And over tree roofs.

– Mary Olson –

Luke at Rum River
Last Tuesday, I made another horse trailer run to the park, only with Luke this time. He was a little more nervous than Murphy had been and had worked himself into quite a sweat just riding (or should say just rocking) in the trailer. 

Luke at Rum River

Luke started out on the trails in high alert mode, but calmed down enough that I completely let out the reins after awhile — although, always prepared to quickly draw them back in. 

It was pretty warm on Tuesday, but not as warm as Wednesday, when it hit 93. I took Java for a walk in that heat and my face felt like it was on fire. I wish I could just walk into the river to cool off like Java does…
Java in river
This evening, a friend and I went to dinner at the “Bulldog”, a great place for burgers and beer.

The Bulldog Restaurant

Tomorrow night, I hope to hit a movie with Lynn. But right now, I need to get to bed. I’m plumb tuckered out.

Hope everyone has a good weekend!

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  1. I am so excited you got to take Luke out this time! Yeah! Sounds like he settled down for a relaxing ride.
    Java sure loves the water! Just like my Sadie!
    That restaurant sounds wonderful. Nothing better than a good burger and a beer!

  2. Mary…I give you so much credit. Good job taking Luke to the park. Your poem is great! and you seem to be keeping very busy. I AM IMPRESSED!

  3. Yes I am keeping busy. Good for the mind. And it does feel good to conquer my fear on the whole trailering and riding alone thing. Makes me feel stronger.

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