Okay. This is my first attempt at adding video to my blog. Be patient with me. I don’t quite get the editing yet. I wanted to do certain portions slow motion but could not get the effects editor to open, no matter how many times I watched the video that showed me how it’s supposed to work. iMovie’s Help totally stinks!
I also wasn’t sure how much to compress or what settings to use. My first save was 97 MB! I got it down to 7.3, but now it looks kind of dotty. Any suggestions from you experienced video-ographicers?
Anyway, this is Java playing frisbee. She’s getting better at catching it. You might also notice she has a training collar on. According to the DVD that came with the collar, you are supposed to put it on for about a month and play and train the dog before you ever start to actually turn it on and use it. That way the dog hopefully associates the collar with fun time and not with being hit by lightening. Plus you are working on basic come and stay, within reach before moving on to obeying commands in an open field.
Roxanne of Champion of My Heart commented on my Digging Up Dreams post, reminding me that besides the big dream, such as a horse vacation in Europe, you need to have a little piece of your dreams built into each day. I agree. Too many people end up disappointed because they think that they’ll be…
Did you know there is an actual name for a Welsh Corgi and Jack Russell cross? They are called a “Cojack” and from the photos and description of the breed in the link, I’m becoming more and more convinced Latte belongs to this club. Along with the agility course I believe I need to wear…
I saw this Pedigree brand commercial and started crying. Not because I felt “pity” for the shelter animals, but because I identified with them. “Maery’s not broken. She has simply experienced more life…” Too often I think my X broke something so deeply inside me that no matter how strong my will and my spirit…
Let sleeping dogs lie. That’s what I’m thinking as I look at Latte snuggled next to me. She is flexing her toes and readjusting herself from being curled up into a basketball to stretching like an archer’s bow. Java is curled up next to Steve on the loveseat. She appears to be enjoying the blanket…
Oh, Baby, Baby I love my new baby Not this baby Although I love her too But this baby Newest addition to my family She is flippin’ fast Zoom! Zoom! Whirrrr! Bling! Blang! Capturing my heart moments Freezing wonder Sometimes in midair She is very mysterious I’m devilishly striving To discover How to push her…
In everyone’s life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit. ~Albert Schweitzer Talk about bursting into flame! My life seems to be taking off at rocket speed…
I love this! Java did so well there at the end! I could never get any of my dogs to play frisbee! I would have thought my Aussie’s would be good at it, but no. They would rather herd goats, and humans. Hmmm… I think you did a good job editing, I don’t even know how to do that. I just put whatever video I recorded right on my blog, mistakes and all! I am not very computer literate at times!!
You did a FAB job with this…I don’t know how to do this at all so I’m no help. It turned out great! Oh and JAVA is really getting to be an expert frisbee catcher.
Awesome video!! Java is a total pro frisbee catcher! Mack does those leaping catches for snowballs, but that’s the only thing he’ll do it for (hurts his dignity too much when he misses and gets beaned by a ball or frisbee…but snow is another story, as being 1/2 Husky he adores it!)
I love this! Java did so well there at the end! I could never get any of my dogs to play frisbee! I would have thought my Aussie’s would be good at it, but no. They would rather herd goats, and humans. Hmmm…
I think you did a good job editing, I don’t even know how to do that. I just put whatever video I recorded right on my blog, mistakes and all! I am not very computer literate at times!!
You did a FAB job with this…I don’t know how to do this at all so I’m no help. It turned out great! Oh and JAVA is really getting to be an expert frisbee catcher.
Awesome video!! Java is a total pro frisbee catcher! Mack does those leaping catches for snowballs, but that’s the only thing he’ll do it for (hurts his dignity too much when he misses and gets beaned by a ball or frisbee…but snow is another story, as being 1/2 Husky he adores it!)