It’s been a busy weekend. The weather has been too nice to spend very much time inside. I even took a swim in the pool! The water was 77 degrees, and I got a cramp in my foot as soon as I broke the surface, but it was still wonderful.
I was hoping Sue would have photos on her blog by now of Saturday’s Floatilla party but she also must be enjoying the great outdoors. Several people went floating down the river in kayak, canoe, and other contraptions. I didn’t have any floatable so I just went to the after-party.
The floaters had wonderful costumes that they wore. Next year, the theme may be zombie brides. I will definitely be all over that one!
There was a lot of wonderful food and a bonfire. Ghost stories were told as bats flew over us. Then somehow we progressed onto stories of pet woodchucks and a debate on how much wood can a woodchuck chuck. We progressed onto other animal stories. At one point, there was a great imitation of a guinea hen, and a discussion of how the hens’ feathers kind of look like the streamers you might have put on your handlebars when you were a kid (I think that’s the vulturine version of the guinea), which then progressed to wouldn’t it be great idea to tie a guinea hen onto your bike and use it to warn people of your approach rather than a bell or horn. I think there were quantities of wine involved with this train of thought.
Anyway, it was a lot of fun and a lot of laughs and laughter is such good medicine.
With that in mind, I thought I’d post this video of me taken last summer, when I took up golf to spend more time with H. I really did have fun golfing. I loved the social aspect of being out with friends, being outside, and hitting something as hard as I can. Golf courses really are beautiful (if I can shut off the voice screaming inside my head about all the awful chemicals they use and how they are using up all the water).
But back to the video. I was working on my golf swing and trying to slow it down to be more accurate. I truly believe this golf swing might have led to H’s initial thoughts about divorce…
Ugh. Yesterday was a carrying horse feed and dog food and trying to hoist up my garage door kind of day. My left shoulder feels as though a knife is sticking out of it. Maybe I should check in a mirror, just in case. Tuesday, around 5 AM, there was this strange, reoccuring orange glow…
A summer off from blogging, most of social media, busyness, and information overload. I’m just chilling… Do you believe that? Latte and I arrived at a local park early one morning to go on our usual walk. We stopped back at the van so I could have coffee and read a book, then took another…
Our temperatures have been getting into the low 30s this week, with full on sunshine. That’s all well and good except that all that melting snow and puddles turns into ice during the evening, encasing the bottom of my sliding barn door in solid ice. The other morning I couldn’t get the back door to…
Okay. I’ve been rewriting this blog post all week because it keeps sounding too negative and depressing. I think a lot of what I’m thinking and feeling comes from aging and feeling all the possibilities move out of reach in so many areas of my life. It’s hardest at work, where most people are younger…
So far Xena (my kayak) and I have explored a little bit of the Mississippi River and a little bit of the Rum River. The skinny, little Rum surprised me. There were partially to fully submerged tree sections to frantically steer around. It wouldn’t have been such a frantic effort except that it was also…
In my job, I work with various departments to help them switch over from our old legacy software to a new software that’s going to be used throughout the company. The group I’m working with currently is Customer Service. I’m looking for gaps between the old system and new system, documenting new processes and designing…
Sounds like a great party! Love when talk turns to things we don’t normally talk about! Love that golf swing! When my OH took up golfing a couple years ago, I used to practice, we are very competitive with eachother, so I was trying to be better than he was. Didn’t happen too well. Now he hasn’t golfed since than. Not sure if it has anything to do with my golfing. It is not easy!
I’m impressed…I can’t hit a damn golf ball to save my life, no eye hand coordination at all! Bring on the zombie brides!
Sounds like a blast!
I worked as a golf course groundskeeper in the summers when I was in school, but I never learned to hit a golf ball!
Wow– your swing looks just like mine- minus all the profanity. I really wanted to be good at golf last spring, just to be able to whack the living hell out of something, but yeah, the little flopping whiffs were just not gratifying enough. ;D
SO glad you came to the party! Next year though, you MUST float with us my dear!
I did actually get better and had a few swings and putts I was actually proud of. But never did get the total pummeling distance I wanted.
Sue – It is my my goal to be floatable next year. It looks like you guys had so much fun! And heck, I don’t want to have to wait for the Floatilla. I’d like to be out with you and Pam before then.
Sounds like a great party! Love when talk turns to things we don’t normally talk about!
Love that golf swing! When my OH took up golfing a couple years ago, I used to practice, we are very competitive with eachother, so I was trying to be better than he was. Didn’t happen too well. Now he hasn’t golfed since than. Not sure if it has anything to do with my golfing. It is not easy!
I’m impressed…I can’t hit a damn golf ball to save my life, no eye hand coordination at all!
Bring on the zombie brides!
Sounds like a blast!
I worked as a golf course groundskeeper in the summers when I was in school, but I never learned to hit a golf ball!
Wow– your swing looks just like mine- minus all the profanity. I really wanted to be good at golf last spring, just to be able to whack the living hell out of something, but yeah, the little flopping whiffs were just not gratifying enough. ;D
SO glad you came to the party! Next year though, you MUST float with us my dear!
I did actually get better and had a few swings and putts I was actually proud of. But never did get the total pummeling distance I wanted.
Sue – It is my my goal to be floatable next year. It looks like you guys had so much fun! And heck, I don’t want to have to wait for the Floatilla. I’d like to be out with you and Pam before then.