“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
~Albert Einstein
I love that the above quote comes from Einstein. Who would of thought a genius like him would think such foofy thoughts? I think we could have definitely sat down and had coffee and discussed life.
Lynn and I went to an
Art Crawl in Saint Cloud Friday evening. The Art Crawl occurs about every three months.
Lynn writes for
Central Minnesota Women magazine. Her last article was on women who love to fish, and her next article will be on the Art Crawl. Lynn had already taken some photos and done some interviews at the March Art Crawl event but needed a few more photos and another interview.
My cousin A was supposed to meet us at a coffee shop called Meeting Grounds. This is a photo of A.

Yeah, right. After waiting for A for about 45 minutes, I called her and asked “Are you lost?” To which A responded, “No, I’m just standing in my kitchen. Why?”
She thought the Art Crawl was next Friday. Okay, I’m not going to say much, because I can totally see myself making a mistake like that. But it was pretty disappointing since I was so looking forward to seeing her and catching up.
“Hey, A, these are the photos I took for you. Almost as good as being there. Can’t you just taste these scrumptious treats?”

There was food to munch on all over the place. And wine. I got yelled at, well, actually Lynn got yelled at because “her friend” had walked out onto the sidewalk and was drinking wine rather than inside where you were supposed to stay.
Okay, I have to back up to say that this little dweeb in a suit first yelled at Lynn because she was taking photos of people looking at artwork in this guys shop. Lynn explained that she was doing an article on the event and he should have received a notification about that, and she was taking photos of the general surroundings not a specific piece of art, since that can be a no-no without the artist’s permission.
The Dweeb still told Lynn she couldn’t take photos and he was not nice about it. So we left and stood outside and thus the wine scandal. I am scarred for life…
Other than Mr. Cranky Pants, all the people in the other buildings were very welcoming and happy to have photos taken in hopes of getting a decent mention in the article.
I really liked the artwork of Anne Meyer. My favorite was called
Grandpa Sleeping. You’ll have to go to her website and take a look as we really did respect the whole unwritten rule of not photographing individual pieces without permission. Anne also had a drawing of her
Mom that I liked because of the expressiveness and personality Anne managed to capture.
Besides art, there was music.

And there was a chance to try your hand at rock chiseling.

I thought this vintage bicycle was a work of art.

This is the Paramount theatre. Besides the stage events that take place, they also offer art classes there in such things as ceramics, fiber arts, and painting.

I saw this
Pooping Dog on a building. I thought maybe it was a doggy clean up service but it turns out they sell calendars, t-shirts, mugs, etc. with, you guessed it, pictures of pooping dogs.

Lynn and I noticed there was an
Electric Fetus in Saint Cloud. Brought back youthful memories, not of the head shop type supplies there of course, but of the incense and used records and such.
I picked up three used CDs. Patsy Cline! How could I pass that by! Terri Clark had to come home with me because of the title “Pain to Kill”. And Macy Gray? Hey! It has a song called “Sex-O-Matic Venus Freak”! How could I resist that? Yes, I have a somewhat eclectic taste in music. The other stuff in the photo below are things I picked up along the way, including the magazine Lynn writes for.

Today should be another busy day – trail riding, a walk with Java, grocery shopping (out of coffee – GASP!), and getting together with friends this evening.
It’s supposed to be a beautious day! Hope it is wherever you are too! Have a super weekend!
I’ll get yelled at for (with you)you any day of the week, Mary….made me feel a lttle youthful and dangerous!
Oh these darn press types.
Sounds like you had way to much fun!!! Have a great weekend!
Mary…wherever you live, it has a lot to offer. Seems to me that you have been busy and distracted….good news. Love the video of Jave…what a beautiful pool. How long can you stay in the house?
Lori – I can stay in the house until it sells, whenever that may be. I do stay very busy. Not sure that that really solves anything but the less time I have to think or feel, the better.
Sounds like a great time! Love that pooping dog, but seriously, they sell things with pooping dogs? How funny is that!
Enjoy your trail ride and play time with Java!
I love that quote. I think that lots of scientists are motivated by trying to understand how all the miracles around them actually occur. I was a scientist (still am, but not full-time), and although I forgot it sometimes, that was my motivation.
Mr. Coyote looks very handsome. If he really wanted to ‘get’ Java, he’d slow down to keep luring her (that’s what the coyotes do around here). So, this time, I bet he wasn’t truly trying to ‘get’ her but that doesn’t mean that he won’t in the future.
One training technique that I’ve tried is going out to where the coyote was, with my pup on a long line (20-30ft) and a bunch of an awesome treat (real bacon, steak, or chicken might be called for with a coyote). Then do 10-20 recalls right where the coyote was (and his scent remains), and literally continually give Java bacon bits, one at a time, for a full minute after each recall. That’s worked for my dogs and other wildlife like bears, elk, and deer. It’s helped with coyotes but I can’t see a big meadow from my house (to know where the coyotes have been recently) to choose a great spot for coyote training.
Paint Girl – It’s either really funny or really warped, which most warped things are pretty funny.
KB – Thanks for the great suggestion! I’m not sure exactly which point in the fence the coyote was at but I bet Java will tell me. I did manage to call her away from a deer today so that was good, but the deer wasn’t running.