Yeah, Baby!
I figure it’s time for a “happy feet” photo.
Thanks for the suggestions on my house hunt. Right now, I mainly look at houses and neighborhoods to try and prepare myself for the eventuality of moving; I have no solid plans. My only plan is to keep myself going. I still can’t believe how wrong my life has gone. Losing love, what I thought…
Sorry, but this post, like my day, is very long. I started my work day at home before I had to run to a meeting at one of my employer’s facilities. The meeting was supposed to last for 90 minutes. After that, I was going to run to the bank to a get a form…
Just wanted to direct you to the post by the DVM’s Wife, “You Can’t Keep a Good Man Down”. I know many of you already follow her blog but for those who don’t, I love her statements at the end and hope you also will be inspired.
Ever had one of those days coming up at work where you have to do something that scares the bejeebers out of you? When I’m not romping around with horses and dogs, I create training materials and train employees on how to use the new corporate software we are rolling out to replace our old…
We forget sometimes how much the world can hurt.It can hurt people we love,people we don’t,people caught in the middle,even people who would give anything to never, ever get hurt again.But sometimes the hurt can’t be avoided,It’s just coming at us and can’t be stopped.It’s in us and can’t be seen,or is lying next to…
Sue has posted photos of her Floatilla party. Stop on over to Sue’s blog and check them out!
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Cute post! I love that song. I never had real Birks. I had a pair of LL Bean wannabes. I finally got rid of them. They became so trendy here, and I felt so….earthy when I wore them! 🙂
My sis and me are tight too. it’s nice to have someone who knows all about you, ALL about you, yet still wants to hang out with you anyway. 🙂
Also,- love the new “about me”.
nothing like being footloose and fancy free
gp in mt who still has her birkies 🙂
Heh, I don’t think I’ll be posting any pictures of my hidious feet, no matter what sort of footwear they are in. I’ll spare y’all!