You Call This a Vacation?
— Beverly Sills (1929-) American Opera Singer

“Grief is like a bomber circling round and dropping its bombs each time the circle brings it overhead.” — C.S. Lewis, “A Grief Observed” How much more attractive a woman newly in love must be than a woman scorned and wrapped in grief. New love – all the wonderful possibilities, the unknown, the adventure, the…
I wanted to quit writing about my up-and-down, roller coaster life and start writing posts that would be useful to people. What I discovered is that I may not be any good at being useful. And what is on my mind is finding a new place to board my horse…
Number 1 rule of surgery is limit exposure – keep your hands clean, your incision small and your wounds covered. Number 2 rule of surgery is that if rule number 1 stops working, try something else. Because sometimes you can’t limit exposure. Sometimes the injury is so bad that you have to cut and cut…
I wake up each day trying to grasp what’s happening. So far, I can’t. This past weekend, my husband told me he’s filing for divorce. Did I see that coming? No. He’d said something was not right in our marriage about a month ago, but we talked and I thought we were working things out….
I know my writing at times is depressing. I guess writing about how I feel is how I cope with the bad times. It’s not where I stay all the time though. I get daily e-mails from an organization called Divorce Care that suggests ways to get through grief, anger, depression and other emotions and issues…
Last night, Lynn and I met up at Truffles and Tortes in downtown Anoka to have some desert and catch up on things. I had the scrumptious Chocolate Nirvana and coffee. While Lynn had a Chocolate Torte and tea. Lynn brought her art journal to show me the artwork she made in a class at…
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Your sister and brother in law are great and I’m sure you enjoyed their help and company. You have a beautiful barn! So nice that they could be there to help you in so many ways.
Thanks for all your sweet comments. When are you coming over for dinner?
Bring Java.
So glad that your sis and b-i-l came to visit. Seems to have helped you enormously.
As for the barn door being left open etc – I’m a bit confused. Who made the mess? The horses? Raccoons? Java?
I take care of my friend’s horses sometimes, and she’s always emphasizing closing doors so the horses don’t get into things – so I’m betting on the horses.
Me too…who made the mess? I didn’t know horses were sneaky mess makers.
What a great sister and brother-in-law…and really cute folks too!
Lori – As soon as I can find a horse sitter, Java and I will be there.
KB and Lynn – The back barn door opens up to the paddock so yes, it was the horses that came in and tore things apart. I couldn’t believe they emptied the trash, which had no food in it, when they had free rein of the hay. So yes, they do things sometimes just because they are curious.
wow you are blessed with such great family… you take ‘er ez