It’s a Charlie Brown Harvest
I had my first green pepper from my potted plant. My green and yellow pepper plants look pretty decent, although the yellow pepper plant is kinda short.

I had my first green pepper from my potted plant. My green and yellow pepper plants look pretty decent, although the yellow pepper plant is kinda short.
It was such a lovely weekend, in comparison to the cloudy, cold, rainy days we’ve been having. We in Minnesota at times are like cave dwellers. We get so excited about seeing the sun. I took Java for a walk Saturday morning. Taking a walk seemed like the right thing to do to get myself…
It was a work-on-the-garden weekend. The raised beds were waiting. The seedlings were outgrowing their pots. Annuals and herbs were purchased. So let the fun begin! I have fragrantly, soothing dreams of making chamomile or peppermint tea. I will drink it out on the deck from a dainty china cup while reading poetry. And perhaps…
Yesterday was a strange weather day. It started out cool. Then the sun came out around noon and it got darn warm. Then a wind came up around 3:00. A COLD wind! And then a COLD rain. I ended up running around like a crazy woman trying to batten down the hatches! I brought my…
I guess I really shouldn’t call myself an ex-dressage rider. I continue to use the same principles in my riding, I just now ride in a western saddle most of the time.
Before I continue on and on and on with my photos of New York, I have to tell you about my “To Do” list. Exciting, right? Spring certainly does create lengthy “To Do” lists, especially if you are expanding your gardens and have a lot of house and yard maintenance to do. I wanted to…
(April 11, 2013 snowstorm) Okay, I admit it. The weather is wearing me down. I know I’m not alone in this. Even Luke is cranky. I try so hard to accept whatever weather comes my way. Otherwise, life in Minnesota is full of constant weather frustration, but there comes a time when you need a…
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I like to ride in smaller groups. It makes me nervous when we have a lot of horse and riders for some reason. To many issues.
I love riding my mountain bike on my own. But, I do carry a Spot Messenger (you can look them up on the web). Spot tracks my movements using GPS and anyone with my password etc can look to see where I am. It also has a ‘help’ button to ask friends to come to a certain GPS location to help me if something goes wrong but it’s not a 911 emergency. Finally, it has a 911 button for if I get hurt and cannot get out of the woods on my own. If I push 911, the message goes straight to the police who come get me (at the GPS location that they receive with my message) with emergency equipment.
It might be something to consider if you’re using trails that are rarely visited by others. On busy trails, it’s probably not needed.
Dusty – I know what you mean. There’s a trail riding club that I joined last year intending to go riding with them, but the groups that go are huge. I don’t like being all on top of each other and worrying about one of the horses kicking or something.
KB – Thanks for the information. I haven’t been anywhere so remote that I would have needed it but I’m hoping to be more adventurous this fall or next summer so I’ll check it out.
Mary…nice post. I’m very impressed with your pepper plants. We don’t even have any showing yet. Huge tomatoes (green)…lots of zuchini, parsley etc. Look forward to making sauce. Thanks for all your comments.
we’re waiting for some fixings from our greenhouse as well
i trail ride solo with gazi and picken (with gazi’s it’s my profile in courage)! but i think it’s so good for your head, heart and soul and bonding with your equine partner.
off to ride tho with trainer patrick later ! He likes to cover country so i’m always a little nervous at the jump
KB had a great idea there!
Hey buddy, could it be that those plants are suppoed to look like that? Hmmm? (probably not) But it does look like you are getting actual peppers!
Another gadget idea: something to mount the camera on your Luke’s head, with a cable attached so you can squeaze it…and Luke can take photos of you! See ya Saturday!
Lori – I’ve seen your garden and it’s produce. It looks much more productive than mine but I am glad the pepper plants seem to be coming through. Now if I can just keep from killing them.
GP – From what you write, I think your horses are more high spirited than mine. I agree that riding is good for your head, heart and soul and like the bonding/partnering piece. Hope you had a good ride with your trainer!
Lynn – Like the gadget idea. I’d be happy with a camera that didn’t have a blurry viewer and that wasn’t so slow to actually take the photo. Found one I like for $800. Like that’s going to happen…