It’s Java Time – Can’t Touch This
Java and I went on a walk Saturday morning and found a family and their dog enjoying that last breath of summer by splashing around in the river.

Java and I went on a walk Saturday morning and found a family and their dog enjoying that last breath of summer by splashing around in the river.
I was hoping the next time I posted I’d be announcing that I had purchased a house and the process was running smoothly. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. I ended up with a seller that really doesn’t seem to want to sell. I expected counter-offers and stressful negotiations, but I didn’t expect the sellers to…
Disturbance ~ the interruption of a settled and peaceful condition; the breakdown of law-abiding behavior; the feeling that comes from life simply not going as planned…
I loved so many photos that I took at the local Game Fair last Saturday that it was difficult to select which ones to put into this blog post. This wasn’t because so many shots were good – many are fuzzy, cluttered or have fence wires running through them – but through all of that,…
Attention: This preempts a previously planned post that sounded too darn whiny. A winter walk Lit by snow light Quiet Sssshhh Hear the snow And geese gathering And ice moving Creeeekkkking And dogs wandering And wondering Sssshhh Pause Listen
A couple weeks ago, while I was cleaning Luke’s and Murphy’s stalls, I heard Java barking outside the barn. I dropped my manure fork and ran out the back of the barn where I saw two coyotes.
The great thing about traveling is having the chance to be in an unfamiliar environment where you see and experience things you don’t normally see at home and interact with different people. So one would think that the good thing about coming home would be the familiarity and the comfort and convenience found there. Which is why I was surprised to find that when I came home, things actually looked different to me.
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Have ya tried one of those “As seen on TV pet clippers?” Just sayin’. Great pics once again.
Have a great evening!
I did a review on some pet nail trimmer product a while back. The hair still gets caught in it. Maybe use Vaseline to slick back the hair out of the way while you clip? I haven’t tried it, but it should work. Feed bag fun can get quite silly whether it be with dogs or horses.
Lovin’ the attitude!
Java is so silly! I love the picture of her flying through the air with the feed bag! When I trim my dogs nails, I put my fingers around the nail and slide my fingers up towards the hair, which pushes the hair back. It seems to work. I’ll have to pay closer attention next time I trim them.
I think Java was sent here to keep your heart and funny parts alive. she is SO FUNNY! Love that old vid. Used to make the ladies in my aqua class work out to that one. 🙂
The extra foot hair does complicate things. We’ve always had short / medium haired dogs, so it hasn’t been too much of an issue.
Maybe dip Java’s feet in water (if that isn’t too traumatic) so that the hair is flatter and easier to slick out of the way.
I cannot wait to hear if your potty area solution works.
Ooh, I used to hate to cut puppy nails. We had a poodle his thick cork-screw hair made it an extra challenge…plus, he HATED it! It took two of us to hold him down. God I miss him!
I’ve never had to deal with trimming nails on a long haired dog myself, but one of my friends uses those disposable nylon footies – poke the nail through the nylon, and it holds the hair back.
I love the pics of Java with the bag. We all need to find fun where we can, right?
Thanks for the nail cutting suggestions. I think the main thing is to do it more often so Java doesn’t try to keep pulling her feet away. That REALLY makes it hard!
So far, Java is not using her potty area for going potty. Instead, she is ripping the tape off. How did she even find the tape under the hay? She did watch me assembling the thing…
I love the Java photos with the bag!