Sightseeing and Ingenuity at Its Best
It was kind of a lazy day today. I went to church in the morning. Came home and had lunch. Then put the tarp I bought yesterday on the kennel.

It was kind of a lazy day today. I went to church in the morning. Came home and had lunch. Then put the tarp I bought yesterday on the kennel.
I read an article by Umair Haque called “How to Have a Year that Counts” (thanks to a friend sharing the link on Facebook). The words that jumped out at me from that article were these: “Our days count—and only count—when we may love more than we could before. Think about it: if you loved…
There’s little risk in becoming overly proud of one’s garden because gardening by its very nature is humbling. It has a way of keeping you on your knees. –– Joanne Barwick I didn’t say all that much about my garden this year. I guess I was too busy being a Master Gardener… I’m still brown bag ripening…
‘To rest on one’s laurels’ – If someone rests on their laurels, they rely on their past achievements, rather than trying to achieve things now. My blog has been on quite a journey. It started out as a blog about my life on my dream hobby farm with my dreamy husband. Or so I thought….
I didn’t post yesterday as I spent most of the day outside with dogs and fat tire bike and horseback riding, taking advantage of a windless, winter day before the arctic blast of today. Today will be a housecleaning and writing day. But, oh, yesterday…
I was reading Copper Pony’s Cowgirl’s blog and a song by LeAnn Rimes happened to be playing called “What I Cannot Change”. It brought tears to my eyes. Not looking for that reaction from you, but I think it’s a beautiful song. I hope you enjoy it. If you liked the song, I’d suggest also…
I can’t help myself. I want bees. And chickens too. And a bigger garden area, perhaps with a brick paved walkway in the shape of a peace sign… I know I can’t do it this year. I’m overwhelmed as it is with house projects, dog, horse and garden demands, and too many financial blows as…
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I love those kind of days, ones where you can just do whatever you want!
Looks like you got Java’s kennel done, it looks great!
That is an awfully smart idea by rigging up that apple picker! Too bad it didn’t work out so well!
What is it about dogs that just don’t want to relax? I have a couple of those myself! Silly! Don’t they know that us humans would like to relax from time to time?
Ha ha – I love the apple picker. that’s the kind of thing you can only get away with if you don’t have any neighbors close enough to watch you. Relaxing is good every once in a while – I think I might have done too much of it yesterday, though!
You are so good at combining pics with what’s going on in your life. Totally entertaining!
I’ve been away for a few days- working like crazy. Sounds like all in all you’ve been hanging in there. Love your blog, can’t wait to get together for writer meetings!
I love the photo of Java looking at you through the little window. Great!
And, sorry, but I chuckled about your apple picking escapades!
I also love the photo of Java peeking at you. Really enjoyed going for your walk with you. Also, Java’s kennel looks perfect…nice job.
Yes, the apple picking was definitely good for a laugh. It could have made funniest home videos if it had been recorded.
I too love the photo of Java looking down at me. She’s actually on one of the deck levels (there are two levels), looking through the rail opening.
Sue – I am totally looking forward to your show opening! And to doing the writer’s challenge. I just hope I can think of something to write about.
wow, that apple picker is something else. i might have to try that. after i try the ladder, which, i hope is easy. the best apples are at the very top of our trees. bummer!
great photo documentary of your escapades, i am enjoying your blog!