Taking a Break
I’m taking this one-gal-act offline for awhile. I don’t know how long. I just don’t want to keep repeating the same laments over and over again. I never want to become predictable.
I’m taking this one-gal-act offline for awhile. I don’t know how long. I just don’t want to keep repeating the same laments over and over again. I never want to become predictable.
My sister advised me not to be like Lot’s wife and spend my time looking backwards, lest I turn into a pillar of salt. Perhaps pillar of salt was a metaphor for grief and the salty tears that sadness brings? I know I can’t get through this time without grieving, without examining my life to…
Number 1 rule of surgery is limit exposure – keep your hands clean, your incision small and your wounds covered. Number 2 rule of surgery is that if rule number 1 stops working, try something else. Because sometimes you can’t limit exposure. Sometimes the injury is so bad that you have to cut and cut…
It’s almost Easter and I’ve been feeling nostalgic. My adoptive Mom was Polish and at Easter time she made a beet and horseradish relish that we called “Kassan”. I have no idea how to spell it. My Mom We had this relish on our hard-boiled eggs, kielbasa (Polish sausage), ham and whatever else we felt like…
I recently finished listening to the MP3 recording of Patricia B McConnell’s book “For the Love of a Dog”. I may not have her words exactly right as I was typing from a recording and having a hard time keeping up, but in the final chapter, Ms McConnell was describing playing ball with her dog…
My friend Lynn is doing a 10 day writing challenge, while I am on the third day of my “however long it takes” manure scoop-along. Anyone want to join me? I’ll spare you more poop photos, but I finished along the side of the barn and the corner alongside the run-in. And right now…
“That’s life, that’s what all the people say. You’re riding high in April, Shot down in May But I know I’m gonna change that tune, When I’m back on top, back on top in June.” While taking Java for a walk, I saw an elderly woman standing at her trailer with her horse. I was…
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Well, that’s an amazing photo!
We’ll miss you. Hang in there Mary. We’re rooting for you.
Hi Mary, I hope you take some amazing photos so you come back soon. You know I didn’t feel that you were stuck on the same ole thing..you cannot change how you feel ..you are who you are and I think you were making progress! I will be thinking of you! 🙂
We’ll miss you Mary. I hope you can relax and regroup your thoughts. Hang in there and know that we are here for you!!
I will MISS you my friend. I never get tired of reading your posts. Hope you are okay. We will be here no matter what. Please take care of yourself, and pop in to say hi once in awhile! HUGS!!!
I’ll miss your unique take on things Mary (in print anyway)…I count myself as pretty lucky that I get to see you in person.
Mary, I hope your time away is productively short lived. You will be missed and we are all looking forward some amazing photos. I was off for 5.5 days and it drove me batty! OK, so I’m just a little crazed anyway. Have a good break!
Wishing you blessings and sweet rest, God Bless!!!
blessings… breathe and take it all in
I hope your retreat brings you peace. Don’t worry about getting repetitive. This blog is part of your therapy. Repeat yourself as much as needed.
We’ll miss hearing about you and the critters. Personally, I don’t find the hard work of being a grown-up repetitive because we’re always coming at things in different angles. At the same time, I understand the need for time away. Do what you need, and the rest of us will be thinking about you and sending all the good mojo we can muster.
Oh sad…I so look forward to checking in on your blog every day 🙁 I know you feel like you are repeating yourself, but for what it’s worth, I certainly didn’t think you did. I love reading about your Java, Murphy, and Luke and your Charlie Brown plants and adventures. And your posts about your grief and difficult times are poignant and I’ve learned a lot through your words. I hope you decide to stick around, but if you need to go for a while, we’ll all be here when you return!
Snuffles from the baby dragon and her gang,
Thanks for all your support! I was planning on kind of a long break but maybe it will be shorter if I’m not as annoying as I think I am. But I do want to take some time to figure out a battle plan to avoid crashing and burning during the holidays.
Thanksgiving will be the one year anniversary of my Dad’s death and Christmas has always been tough without my family around to spend it with. So I’m working on a Holidays Feel Good List for people who are on their own. Shutting myself up in the house to avoid the whole thing springs to mind but is probably not a good option.
Mary…you have become a constant. It’s your call, but I sure hope you will stay in touch. How far are you away from me? Put your horses on the trailer, Java and you in the truck…and come here for the holidays. Got any vacation time? I have room for all of you. Don’t give up on returning to a meaningful life…you can do it. Sure will miss reading your stuff and seeing your pictures. I check on you every day.
Yes. Yes. Yes. Go somewhere new for the holidays. Being around old places and people is too hard. Create a one-time adventure OR a new tradition, but by all means … do something just for you.
Lori and Roxanne – Getting away would be great. I’d go visit my family in California or Arizona. But I don’t want my husband and his girlfriend spending Christmas in my home. It may be our house, but right now, it’s my home. And she’s already spent enough time here before I knew what was going on. If I can get a friend to live here while I’m gone, it still might be workable.