Oh Fiddle Sticks
It was one of those days where I just started out feeling weighed down. The kind of day when I know I just need to keep moving.
It was one of those days where I just started out feeling weighed down. The kind of day when I know I just need to keep moving.
It’s the middle of January and I haven’t yet written about my intentions for 2012. They are not resolutions. Gasp! None of that malarkey for me! It’s simply that I want to put myself out there more — not in some obscene, exhibitionist way, I’ll spare you that horror. And not in some reveal all,…
I’ve been working on becoming a published writer for a long time. It can be discouraging. Sometimes (a lot of times) I need a pep talk when I feel like giving up. Periodically, I also spend time assessing what is getting in my way. I came up with five problem areas to fix. Maybe you…
Last Saturday night, I dreamed that I had a baby — a beautiful baby boy, much like the one I had in real life nearly thirty years ago. But there were these people, there must have been five or six faceless beings, shadowed in dark hoods. They snatched my baby out of my arms and threw me out the door.
Roxanne of Champion of My Heart commented on my Digging Up Dreams post, reminding me that besides the big dream, such as a horse vacation in Europe, you need to have a little piece of your dreams built into each day. I agree. Too many people end up disappointed because they think that they’ll be…
Just in case you needed a Brew Babes fix before I launch into deep thoughts… Are you ready? Let me light the way. Ah yes, the writing has been difficult to do everyday, having the time, not to mention coming up with something to write about and finding a way to make it “poetic”. This…
The weather was good for an outdoor day. By 11:00 it is was in the 20’s with wind, but compared to how cold it was yesterday, it was downright beautiful. I started out by driving out to the stable, with Java as my copilot. I’ve been too busy or the weather’s been too cold for…
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This story has really got legs girl, keep pecking away at it until some new turn presents itself.
Hmmm, perhaps Lucy could temporarily disable her husband somehow, enough to slow him down? Kick him in the crotch? Maybe during the struggle for the gun, he loses his balance and hits his head, and it takes him an extra few seconds to get up? Maybe Lucy fires a warning shot to keep him back, and it hits his car so that he can’t follow?
I hope we get to read the whole story someday!
OK…how about this. Using the gun, she forces her husband into the basement (or another place) and locks the door before she takes off. Too bad she doesn’t have some handcuffs to hook him to something. As soon as she gets in the car she should call the police and say she is being followed by a car so they can catch him.
This would be such fun.
Is it too Hollywood to have the dog regain its strength and do some damage to bad man to slow him down?
I’m with the Dog Geek. I think that Lucy needs to disable her husband somehow. Disable his vehicle, break his glasses (make him almost blind without them), or something.
And, please let the dog survive, even if he doesn’t regain his strength and stop the bad man right then. He/she needs to survive for the sake of my soul!
Java looks totally wore out, poor baby. Hope ya fared better. Love the necklace, it makes me giggle.
Have a great day…you and Java get some rest!!!
Thanks for visiting me Maery! I think she could get the gun by a knee to the nads/kick in the side of the head move, then he’d be down and she could take his keys and fling them into the woods or take them with her or something. If she really gets him down for a brief count, she could grab the dog too– who will survive right? RIGHT??