The Holidays Approacheth

You follow people’s lives in their blogs and you rejoice over the good times, but you hate seeing people go through the bad times. I suggest you read this post by Amy at the DVM’s Wife and KB’s post in Romping and Rolling in the Rockies and see if it doesn’t make you think about…
I’m catching up on my recordings of Grey’s Anatomy. I’m learning so much wisdom from the philosophizing at the end of each episode. “Invasion” A couple weeks ago, when Izzy Stevens was being fired by Richard, she sobbed, “Please don’t do this to me. Please don’t take this away from me. I don’t have anything…
When my cousin and I were around 12 to 14 years old we paddled a rubber raft from the cabin all the way down the shore to the bay. When we turned to go back to the cabin, we were fighting waves and wind in a device that wasn’t exactly built to cut through water….
I was going to shutdown my blog today. Spare anyone who reads this from watching me crash and burn. I’m feeling unfit for human consumption. I swore I wouldn’t let myself act like a victim ever again, but lack of sleep has left me open to emotions and thoughts I didn’t think I’d ever experience…
It’s time for my second installment of my Lift-my-spirits and Feel-good List. So, another thing I use to get out of the dumps is music. Music fills me up in a way nothing else can. Once it’s poured inside me, it has to come out in loud, emotional singing; or in wild, sensual, motion; or…
Yesterday I was reading an article on the WEBMD site called “50 Great Things About Women Over 50”. Quotes were taken from WebMD readers and a few clinical experts. Some things seemed rather superficial like: “Women over 50 are a powerful market force in today’s economy. Women buy 80% of consumer goods and services, and…
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I have been very fortunate to live close to family. We have spent some holidays away, and it is hard, but also enjoyed the time at home too. Sounds like you will have a great time with your cousin.
I’m fortunate in living close to family, albeit a fairly small family. The tradition is that they all come stay at my house for Xmas. But, I have to admit that I dread Christmas every year. I absolutely hate the whole commercial side, and much of my family has bought into it bigtime. I breath a sigh of relief when it’s over.
Maybe I need to work on my attitude this year! Or, try to change the family gift traditions that keep growing and growing.
I had a few years when my family was all away for xmas and I couldn’t travel due to my back. I used the days around Xmas to enjoy the utter solitude on the trails and ski slopes.
But, I love your attitude!
I cook the turkey and trimmins for around 36~38 and transport it to my MILs house ’cause she likes to have it at HER house, she’s 82 and not in the best of health.
After dinner the guys get out the guns and go target shootin’ and compare wepons. The kids climb up the hill behind the house to slide down the huge sliding rock until they burn holes in their britches.
Some couples will talk long walks in the woods where I swear we have had great nieces and nephews conceived. This year I want to try to get a family photo.
Christmas is ham and all the trimmings at my house. Much easier than transporting a meal that large.
Have a fantastic day enjoying your blessings and traditions!!!
The first 3 or 4 years after my divorce was awful for just those reasons, I had lost that whole side of his family (even some I liked, a sister-in-law that I considered like a sister)…and OUR friends. It was like I had to start all over again. But now, my friends are Mine and Mine alone! (darn it)
I was lucky, of course, to still have my own family.
I think extending our idea of family and our circle of contact is a good idea, no matter our life, age or marital situation.
Maery Rose…In terms of family, we have one of our daughters and her family in town, but that is pretty much it for local family. Our oldest daughter is in Nevada with her crew…so, what we do during the holidays…is invite friends who were going to just stay home alone or have no family. Thanksgiving may be 10 or 12 people, but Christmas Eve is gigantic. We may have 25 or 30 and have been doing it for years. No presents, just food and good conversation. It is quite a mix and the best pot luck food you could ask for. You and Java are invite (the horses too).
Dusty – I know your clan has a good time whenever they gather.
KB – I’m with you on not liking the big, extravagant gifts. It’s so hard to pick things for other people when people are always buying for themselves and don’t really need anything. I really appreciate a purse size hand lotion or my son once made a CD of a bunch of music he knew I’d like. I loved that present.
Nezzy – I can just picture the guys out shooting after dinner! That’s one way to wake up everyone after eating lots of turkey.
Lynn – Well, hopefully this will be the last holiday I’ll be spending completely away from all my family.
Roxanne – I really believe so too.
Lori – I wish I could make it. I’m definitely traveling somewhere next year at the holidays. I wish I knew other people in my situation, but I don’t.