My First Christmas Purchase
Last Friday I met with Lynn and Sue to visit and spend some time writing.
Last Friday I met with Lynn and Sue to visit and spend some time writing.
Everyone needs to know they matter, and there is nothing like the love of a dog, the partnership between dog and human, to make a person feel important.
katzenjammer —1. Hangover2. Distress; depression3. Confusion; clamor; uproar. Etymology: from German, from Katzen, plural of Katze (cat) + Jammer (distress, wailing). I’m going to find a way to throw that word into my conversations wherever possible… Newsflash!Another independent bookstore bites the dust! J O’Donoghue Books in Anoka will be closing in February 2011. Damn you e-books! But I…
This is what I do when I can’t sleep. Moon in the clouds… kind of eerie. Turn off the flash! We’re trying to sleep here! That was last night. This is today, when I took Murphy out for a spin. I haven’t ridden him for quite awhile so I just rode in the arena, which…
Not too much to report on outdoor activity. The only aerobics I’ve done lately is to rush from my warm car to a warm building and some short sprints on my elliptical while catching up on the latest Grey’s Anatomy and Fringe episodes, that I watch on my tiny laptop screen. Unfortunately, I’m not like…
I don’t have time for a lengthy post, but thought I’d share a few dog-enjoying-mud photos. I’m glad someone is enjoying the slop. We’ve got about 5 days of rain predicted, starting Thursday. Only a slight chance, however. I wish the wet weather would spread itself out through the summer instead of starting out so…
Let sleeping dogs lie. That’s what I’m thinking as I look at Latte snuggled next to me. She is flexing her toes and readjusting herself from being curled up into a basketball to stretching like an archer’s bow. Java is curled up next to Steve on the loveseat. She appears to be enjoying the blanket…
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A great morning spent with two friends and a nice little shopping trip to boot…and for a good cause!
It so true about animals, I think we owe our pets so much.
What a cute purse! Yes, I believe that animals find us sometimes. I know we sure LOVE ours.
Did you know that Rolling Dog Ranch has a blog? I’ve been following them for years. Love their work.
As for pets being therapeutic, I have no doubt of that whatsoever.
Maery Rose…sorry I have not been better at communicating lately. I just caught up! Hope the hay turned out to be good. It does not matter if you did not write 50,000 words (you were not getting graded on it…right?) but I am curious as to how the woman got out of the house and into the truck without having her husband catch her. I love Sue at Dream Valley Ranch…she and some of her friends have done an enormous amount of work saving horses and dogs…and they spend a lot of their own money doing this. As for Java, she is indeed a therapy dog. Love the purse and the cause. What else did I forget….oh yes, the soup looks delicious! Glad to see you take the time to cook for yourself.
I like the animal causes ..the animals they cannot do anything themselves to make their situation I like to help the helpless:)
I agree that all forms of service for and by humans and canines alike are equally valid and special.
Love that last crazy eye shot of Java. Silly!
And, P.S. I never understood the allure of purses or shoes until I gained a few pounds … and suddenly clothes mocked me. Shoes and purses NEVER mock you.
Lynn – I hope we get to do something again this weekend.
Dusty – Yes Java’s personality seems to be just what I need right now.
Amy – Found the blog and added it to my reading list. Thanks.
Lori – I think everyone is pretty busy right now with holiday preparations so I understand. But I’m glad to get your comments again!
Far Side – That’s what touches me about animals too. It seems like so often people are the cause of their suffering (like the puppy mills). We need to stop those stupid places.