Part of Hay Mission Accomplished
Oh my Lord. I can barely see the computer screen I’m so tired!
Oh my Lord. I can barely see the computer screen I’m so tired!
In my job, I work with various departments to help them switch over from our old legacy software to a new software that’s going to be used throughout the company. The group I’m working with currently is Customer Service. I’m looking for gaps between the old system and new system, documenting new processes and designing…
I’m appearing on Vision and Verb today so please stop on by. p.s. I spoke with the Luke’s vet yesterday and described how Luke was doing. I was a bit concerned that his breathing might not have been normal at the end of our ride on Sunday, but I wasn’t sure because I didn’t pay…
It used to be simple. If anything happened to me, there was still my spouse — to take care of business, make decisions, and do whatever needed to be done. We had a Will and a Living Will. Simple. But now things like who decides when to pull the plug becomes more complicated. Is that…
What’s this? Not much time to blog this week. I’m flying out to see my son in Oakland, California on Friday, so there are a number of work and home related things I’m trying to get done before I leave. Rush, rush, rush. Then, my Uncle Frank died Friday evening. Frank was a wonderful uncle —…
Moving in little baby steps of separation, thinking that will ease the pain. Instead, each minor step brings another stabbing jolt. Ouch! The latest step was to open my own checking account. Woo… hoo… I’m trying to distance, trying to stop thinking in terms of “us”. It’s working so well for me, don’t you…
I went to my Aunt’s cabin for the 4th of July. My Aunt, cousin A, her husband, and a few of the grandkids were there. It was the most gorgeous day, so there were a lot of people at the lake celebrating with family and friends. Plus there was the annual boat parade on the…
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Busy day, for sure. I’m glad you found some hay. Sleep well.
The hay looks good…hope your body survived!
You can sure pack a lot into a day! See ya soon.
What a day! Be very very careful lifting those bales. For the back, twisting (or bending) and lifting will demolish even a strong spine. Glad you stopped and dropped them out of the truck!
We’ll send you some snow. What a pretty pict of the dogs in the flurries. I love it!
Sounds like a busy day for sure! BTW, your horses look nice and fat for winter.