Two More Bottles of Wine
I had mediation with my husband and our attorneys yesterday. Nothing unexpected, well, maybe a little unexpected.
I had mediation with my husband and our attorneys yesterday. Nothing unexpected, well, maybe a little unexpected.
My sister advised me not to be like Lot’s wife and spend my time looking backwards, lest I turn into a pillar of salt. Perhaps pillar of salt was a metaphor for grief and the salty tears that sadness brings? I know I can’t get through this time without grieving, without examining my life to…
Yesterday I was reading an article on the WEBMD site called “50 Great Things About Women Over 50”. Quotes were taken from WebMD readers and a few clinical experts. Some things seemed rather superficial like: “Women over 50 are a powerful market force in today’s economy. Women buy 80% of consumer goods and services, and…
Life often feels like an endurance test. Maybe that’s not a bad thing. I have dreamed of doing endurance riding. Maybe just look at it that way – the challenge, the training, building my strength, learning when to speed up and when to take it slow, knowing how to maneuver through obstacles, to come back…
How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives. — Annie Dillard My friend Deb died yesterday morning from cancer, only two weeks after entering the hospital and finding the tumor. She was an inspiration in the way she lived her life, always giving you her full attention when you spoke…
When my cousin and I were around 12 to 14 years old we paddled a rubber raft from the cabin all the way down the shore to the bay. When we turned to go back to the cabin, we were fighting waves and wind in a device that wasn’t exactly built to cut through water….
1. Forcibly separated into two or more pieces; fractured — broken lives2. Having been violated — broken promise3. Being in a state of disarray; disordered — broken ranks 4. Spoken with gaps and errors — broken communication5. Subdued totally; humbled — broken spirit 6. Crushed by grief — broken heart 7. Not functioning; out of order — Maery…
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That sounds very painful to me, like a day that must have left you drained beyond words. Take care of yourself. Do something nice for yourself (good idea, skipping the two bottles of wine). I’m thinking of you.
I’ve been following your blog for awhile but didn’t feel the NEED to comment until today.
I feel your pain, like I haven’t felt in years. When my own divorce occurred, I didn’t take the time to deal with it.
What you experienced on your ride home is called anxiety. Please make sure you have some help within calling distance. In my personal experience, it can be a precursor to panic attacks and in my case black outs.
Repeat after me…”and this, too, shall pass…” alternate with ” better days are coming”
I’m singing this one, quite a bit, these days
My heart goes out to you. Too bad you just can’t turn the emotional pain off like a light-switch. The scars run very deep I’m sure. In time they will heal, in time you will get all this behind you. This I can say with authority, God has something and someone very special just for you. May He be your comfort and your strength right now. Take care of yourself and I’ll sure remember you in my prayers.
Have a better day just resting in His arms, ’cause he cares for YOU beautiful gal!!!
I’m so sorry you’re going through this Maery, it’s hardly fair.
I’ll bet when you find that perfect new place for you, you’ll make it really cute and with more YOU in it.
That does sound a lot like anxiety…but who can blame you.
home is where the heart is…. glad you made it back… heal well my friend
I am so sorry!! You are in my thoughts, as always!!
That would be a tough day for anyone – don’t feel bad about feeling bad! And don’t feel like you have to grieve on anyone else’s time table. You will get through all this, but you will find your own way through.
Loads of love, love, love and bravery and support and sympathy and anything else you need.
Maery Rose…It sounds like you are getting to the final stages of this divorce. I sure hope you end up with something that you can use as a fresh start. Hang on woman! You are almost there. One day at a time…keep breathing. It’s amazing how your emotions can have such power over you. Anxiety can definitely play tricks on you. You seem to have a lot of support out here…and understanding for what you are going through. You can do this.
KB – My brain was still a bit muddled today but I went to work, then choir practice and tomorrow I’m getting together with a couple friends. I’m doing some ski research too. Trying to look forward.
Anonymous – Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Yesterday was another hill to climb. I’m sure there will be more.
Nezzy – Thanks for your prayers. That means a lot to me.
Lynn – Looking forward to seeing you guys tomorrow and eating lots of chocolate.
GP – I have GPS (God, Prayer, and Spirit) to guide me in moments like these.
PG – I miss you!
Dog Geek – Thanks for recognizing something that often people don’t get. It’s not that I’ve gone completely backwards but there are many layers to this grief to work through.
Roxanne – Thanks, thanks, thanks. =)
Lori – You must have been commenting at the same time I was cause you weren’t there a minute ago. I ran into someone today who said “You must be anxious to have this over with.” And actually, no I’m not. How can I be anxious for something I don’t want?
I guess I want the pain to end, but when the judge signs off on the divorce, I will be diving to a whole new depth of pain and I haven’t figured out yet how I’m going to protect myself from that. It will be one of many times that I really wish my sisters were here.
I’m so happy to see all these comments– all these women in your corner. Count me among them! I’m sorry you have to experience this pain.
One thing that worked for me during a tough time was writing what I wanted my life to look like a year ahead, and I wrote it as if it were already true. “When I get up the first thing i see is __” etc.
If you do this repeatedly, I don’t know if it puts something out there in the universe or what, but it works– you get there.
Hang in there hon.
What a sad day for you..I am sorry Maery for the rough patch in the road. Hang in there:)
Sue – I’ve been starting to think about doing something similar, kind of a vision for 2010 and beyond.
Far Side – It is sad, but at least I’m getting back up faster.
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