Vacation Wrap Up
So as not to drag things out too long, I better wrap up and show the rest of my camping photos. How can there be so many photos in just 3 days? Amazing!
So as not to drag things out too long, I better wrap up and show the rest of my camping photos. How can there be so many photos in just 3 days? Amazing!
Once again, I have a post on Vision and Verb titled “Doggone It!” on the joys and challenges of life with dog(s) that I hope you’ll check out. The above photo and the ones that follow were taken as part of an assignment for my weekly photography class where we were supposed to try different…
There’s a lot of meltage going on And it’s not a good thing Cuz a freeze is a cominnn tonight. I could be a songwriter. Or not… I about broke my neck trying to walk to the barn in the dark this morning. There’s some snow, some grass, a lot of ice, and puddles resting…
Latte had her nose to the ground as she pulled Moss through a clump of burdock and headed towards the trees. Cleavers grabbed at Moss’s feet, nearly tripping her as she fought to keep up with the fast moving dog.
I have a post on Vision and Verb today about an unfortunate turn of events while I was on vacation. I ended up coming home two days early. But everyone is safe. Just a wee bit stressed out. Isn’t that what vacations are for? Before things turned to $#!+, I did get a few good…
Monday morning, we headed north from Bend towards the Dee Wright Observatory to see the lava fields. This ended up to be another visual beauty and marvel overload mystery tour. Beauty is perhaps a strange word when describing the lava fields as they mainly look like a bunch of black rocks piled up. And yet…
Crazy, busy day. I’m never ready for Christmas and this year is no different. I wrote my Christmas cards last night and wrapped a present for my son, so the key thing to get done today was make a trip to the post office. I was dreading that, knowing how busy it would be. So…
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Lake Superior is beautiful. The great lakes are all special…I’ve spent time on Lake Erie when I was a kid, and now we live 20 minutes from Lake Ontario.
Hope all is going well with the house hunt/po.
Lori – It is one of my favorite areas to visit. It was so peaceful listening to the waves and waterfalls. The crows were a little obnoxious.
It’s been over about 48 hours since I made an offer and sellers are not responding. I didn’t low ball them either. Very frustrating!
The great lakes are all special
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you were in my favorite favorite favorite favorite part of the world. love the fog. love the tree coming out of the cliff. love the baptism river.
The photos were wonderful! Thanks for sharing.
What a great vacation.
I don’t evne know what an agate is. Isn’t that pathetic?