Still on the mend – coughing a lot, sleeping little, and totally out of gas. Speaking of gas, how about those prices? And if you need diesel (for the truck) and Premium (for the Mini), it’s really a killer.
My raise this year is definitely not going to keep up with increases in gas, coffee (gasp!), and everything else that’s going up. My boss was very apologetic but I told him I consider myself lucky compared to so many other people.
Java appears to be non-plussed by it all.
I wrote another poem and I know you’re probably going to hate it but don’t look at it as “Oh, Maery. Don’t think that way.”
Look at it as I do. “Hmmm, amateurish, but kind of clever play on words.”
The Catch and Release Girl
She felt
A whole lot
More substantial
On the line
What a fighter!
So exciting!
What a challenge!
What a high!
But haul her in
Hmmm… kinda scrawny
Poke her
And watch her flop
Not a one
Has exclaimed
“She’s a keeper!”
She shines
For a moment
In time
Catch and release girl
And now for something a bit more lovely. A pretty girl with an amazing voice and her dreams.
I rode Luke this morning. He was feeling spooked, very upright, and lots of spring to his trot. So much coiled energy, a sproingy trot in place feeling. I got in a few good canters and a few leg yield steps before he got tense and we had to go back to circling. He’s doing…
Snow has many sounds Depending on the temperatures Before, during, and after Walking the paths It can be like Stepping on Rice Crispies Snap crackle pop! Squeeky Like new tennis shoes On a gym floor Or shooshy Like a slinky Coming down the stairs These days, There is an abundance Of slip and slide If…
It’s been crazy cold and snowy here in Minnesota this winter. Those who don’t live here probably think that’s nothing new, but we’ve been spoiled for a while now with mild, almost snowless winters. Time to get our Minnesotan back on! The chickens are hanging in there, thanks to the addition of a heat light…
These are just a few of the blog posts I read this week that inspired me with ideas or said just the thing I needed to hear in a moment gone badly. There are two posts I read on The Drawing Board by Terri Windling that I want to mention. The first is called “Rituals of…
[WARNING! I think I sound a bit crazy sometimes, but really, do not be alarmed! My brain is just on high percolation lately and I’m letting go and letting it do it’s thing.] Free thinking Free writing Living large But not gluttonously Make more things From scratch Stop fighting my hair With expensive products This…
I’m working a lot And thinking and worrying about work a lot And trying to figure out how to stop stressing about work a lot Many visits to a financial planner later Walla! There’s a retirement plan I say, “I’ll work for five more years.” “Eight would be better,” he says. “I’ll tighten my budget,”…
You’re really getting the hang of this poetry thing Maery…this is another one of your callings I think! I LOVE Adele…she is AWESOME…I have practically worn out her new CD. Hope you feel better soon!
Truly quite the clever play on words girl. You do have a flair for the poem. :o)
Feel better sweetie!
God bless and get some rest! :o)
Ooops…that sounded a bit bossy didn’t it? Heeehehehehe!!!
You have a wonderful way with words… so much talent!
Java loves her sticks…atleast they haven’t raised the price on those. Her pictures bring a smile everytime.
Hope you feel better soon.
She shines for a moment… lovely line!
Hope you’re feeling better!
By the way, your gas prices are nothing like ours in Sweden! Nothing!
I love your poem.
I hope that you re-fill with gas!
I’ll have to watch the video when my internet isn’t crawling so slowly. I’ve never heard of the performer so I’m looking forward to it.
I’m so glad that I only have to put gas in my car every two weeks! The gas prices are absolutely crazy! I think Java has the right idea, sticks are cheap (free) and she enjoys every minute of it!
Cool poem Maery…I agree, you are good at this. No surprise! Maybe the catch and release girl just fell for the wrong bait. She’ll be more discerning next time:-) Fell better soon!
Great poem Maery. Remember that catch and release is a good thing. Better than being battered and fried. He he he. Also better than having to lie on the bank gasping for air.
LOL, battered and fried…good one Jill! : )
Thanks for the compliments on the poem everyone.
Jill – You clever, funny girl you. I may have to work that into the poem. It might even make a good t-shirt saying.
Kathleen – I knew I shouldn’t have gone for that flashy red and silver lure.
Ladyfi – I know. We in the US have been spoiled. It’s pretty shocking what Europe is paying for gas.
Maery, first,I hope you feel better soon, that is a yucky bug going around!
Second, I love Java’s pix in your different posts..good dog!
And third, I love the title of the poem..very cool.. I think that could be the name of a movie.. very catchy. The poem is good, very good.
Also, I to got a small raise and was glad that I could at least be thankful for my job!
Take it easy this weekend, and drink some green tea!
Jan – I’m on the mend and enjoying mango green tea. Yum!
You’re really getting the hang of this poetry thing Maery…this is another one of your callings I think!
I LOVE Adele…she is AWESOME…I have practically worn out her new CD.
Hope you feel better soon!
Truly quite the clever play on words girl. You do have a flair for the poem. :o)
Feel better sweetie!
God bless and get some rest! :o)
Ooops…that sounded a bit bossy didn’t it? Heeehehehehe!!!
You have a wonderful way with words… so much talent!
Java loves her sticks…atleast they haven’t raised the price on those. Her pictures bring a smile everytime.
Hope you feel better soon.
She shines for a moment… lovely line!
Hope you’re feeling better!
By the way, your gas prices are nothing like ours in Sweden! Nothing!
I love your poem.
I hope that you re-fill with gas!
I’ll have to watch the video when my internet isn’t crawling so slowly. I’ve never heard of the performer so I’m looking forward to it.
I’m so glad that I only have to put gas in my car every two weeks! The gas prices are absolutely crazy!
I think Java has the right idea, sticks are cheap (free) and she enjoys every minute of it!
Cool poem Maery…I agree, you are good at this. No surprise! Maybe the catch and release girl just fell for the wrong bait. She’ll be more discerning next time:-) Fell better soon!
Great poem Maery. Remember that catch and release is a good thing. Better than being battered and fried. He he he. Also better than having to lie on the bank gasping for air.
LOL, battered and fried…good one Jill! : )
Thanks for the compliments on the poem everyone.
Jill – You clever, funny girl you. I may have to work that into the poem. It might even make a good t-shirt saying.
Kathleen – I knew I shouldn’t have gone for that flashy red and silver lure.
Ladyfi – I know. We in the US have been spoiled. It’s pretty shocking what Europe is paying for gas.
Maery, first,I hope you feel better soon, that is a yucky bug going around!
Second, I love Java’s pix in your different posts..good dog!
And third, I love the title of the poem..very cool.. I think that could be the name of a movie.. very catchy. The poem is good, very good.
Also, I to got a small raise and was glad that I could at least be thankful for my job!
Take it easy this weekend, and drink some green tea!
Jan – I’m on the mend and enjoying mango green tea. Yum!