Notch by Notch
Clutter. That’s what I’ve been dealing with lately. Not just at home, but at work where piles and piles of documents that people drop off lie on my desk in stack upon stack upon binder upon folder upon bin upon stack. Obviously, I’m a bit behind. I’m not sure that being so swamped is all…
I read something the other day that said one of the most important things to do with a creative endeavor is to be authentic. Quit trying to please people by striving to figure out what they like or want or need. Stop trying to be popular! Quit reading self help books on how to be…
This probably is the farthest removed from a poem that I’ve gone ahead and used so far. It’s something that came to mind when I was writing about my Dad and thinking about the things I didn’t do or say while I had the chance. To me, if you live by the sentiments below, it…
Canvas Stark white Untouched My horse looks dubious Perhaps there’s a reason This place lies untraveled Powder over ice? Frozen ridges to trip on? Who’s to know? He isn’t the one Who wants to find out But I ask And he moves Does he trust my judgment? While I do not? So far so good…
What is it about swans?
They make me think of fairy tales
And magic
And the ugly duckling
who discovers he’s a swan
It was one of those weekends where everything I wrote sounded like drivel. So I’m doing the wise thing and going pictorial…
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Awwwww, as Dorothy so eloquently stated, “there’s no place like home.”
Your chickies are growin’! What a marvelous mosaic!
Have a beautifully blessed day sweetie!!! :o)
you’re poem-ing again. I love the lines “box of chirps” and “dash and dump”
Perfect: )
I was able to picture the whole thing…just from what you wrote. 🙂 Well done, Maery.