A Budding Bloom
— Pema Chödron, “Taking the Leap: Freeing Ourselves from Old Habits and Fears”
“Forgive the dead year. Forgive yourself. What will be wants To push through your fingers.” ~ Marge Piercy, “The head of the year” Forgive yourself… Isn’t [s]he the hardest person to forgive of all? I’m still waiting for her to make amends The future is not ours to see or to make or to bend…
No matter how many plans we make or steps we follow, we never know how our day is going to end up. We’d prefer to know of course, what curveballs will be thrown our way. It’s the accidents that always turn out to be the most interesting parts of our day (or life), the people…
Oh, if only it was that easy. Just follow the arrow and there it is, a lovely, lush interior garden. “Interior Gardens” is the name of the hydroponics and organic garden supply store I visited this weekend. While I pursue a lush exterior garden, I long most for lushness within. Instead, I am more like…
I was listened to Sarah Werner’s podcast titled “Getting Back to Writing” when the question came to me, why is it so hard to pickup your life where you left off? I completed the Culinary Nutrition Expert (CNE) program a couple weeks ago, and I feel like I’ve been floundering ever since. “What’s next?” I…
“If you want to share joy and beauty with the world, you must fill your life with those things.” – Jeff Goins, “The Most Important Part of the Creative Life” I started my Master Gardener classes in early January. I’ve been doing most of the work online, but managed to attend two Saturday classes at…
How many times a day are you thinking or saying out loud, “I don’t have enough time!”? If you’re like me, the answer is, “A lot.” That’s why I’m taking on a 100-day Time Treasure Hunt Challenge to make time for what I REALLY want to be doing.
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Beautiful post! I loved all the photographs.
I’m a real dark chocolate lover myself and just finished dipping strawberries, apricots, mangoes and pretzels to take to a party tonight. Yum.
Oh…how beautiful – to be able to ride your horse in fields like this!!! Lucky you!!!
What a great day!!! The horses look like they were enjoying their treat!
Happy Sunday