A Budding Bloom
— Pema Chödron, “Taking the Leap: Freeing Ourselves from Old Habits and Fears”
I realized that what frightened Luke on the trail was not what he saw. It was what was out of site and unknown. It’s the same for me. The broader I can make my view of the world, the less there is to fear.
I was planning on going to the state park with Luke early Saturday morning, but when you don’t get home until 1:00 AM, you don’t quite get packed up to go by 9:00 AM, more like 11:00. But I did it! I overcame my fear of going to a new park with the horse and…
It’s been a hell of a day… a hell of a week. But I’m going to shut up about my issues and talk about something fun… like Christmas presents! Yes, I love the color red, especially in the kitchen. Well, unless it’s blood. That kind of red is no good, but I received a gift…
I read something the other day that said one of the most important things to do with a creative endeavor is to be authentic. Quit trying to please people by striving to figure out what they like or want or need. Stop trying to be popular! Quit reading self help books on how to be…
I’m just back from an awesome weekend riding with a couple other women up north! Okay, so it wasn’t exactly horse camping. We stayed in this incredible cabin — a place called Went North. The horses were right outside, where we could see them from the dining area. I loved this — corrals with shelters…
It’s almost Easter and I’ve been feeling nostalgic. My adoptive Mom was Polish and at Easter time she made a beet and horseradish relish that we called “Kassan”. I have no idea how to spell it. My Mom We had this relish on our hard-boiled eggs, kielbasa (Polish sausage), ham and whatever else we felt like…
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Beautiful post! I loved all the photographs.
I’m a real dark chocolate lover myself and just finished dipping strawberries, apricots, mangoes and pretzels to take to a party tonight. Yum.
Oh…how beautiful – to be able to ride your horse in fields like this!!! Lucky you!!!
What a great day!!! The horses look like they were enjoying their treat!
Happy Sunday