A Budding Bloom
— Pema Chödron, “Taking the Leap: Freeing Ourselves from Old Habits and Fears”
“Abracadabra and fiddle-dee-dee. My ego is outraged to see the new me… Abracadabra and body-ho-ho, my former neuroses, where did they go?” – Marianne Williamson, Everyday Grace During this rather drab, up-and-down temperature, little but snow-dust winter, I’m grateful I have a horse and dogs to get me outside. If I didn’t, I think I’d hibernate…
Creating my birthday collage last week meant going through about six big boxes of photos, greeting cards, and other memorabilia that I hadn’t opened since I moved to my house three years ago, The boxes contained both my things and the memory boxes I had taken from my mom’s house. My mom saved EVERYTHING! All…
I went to a photography workshop last Saturday called “Get Outside of Your Bubble with Your Camera.” It was put on by the Anoka County library and taught by Wing Hung Huie. There are two more workshop offerings if you’re in the Twin Cities area. Only about twenty minutes were spent running loose on our own…
Roxanne of Champion of My Heart commented on my Digging Up Dreams post, reminding me that besides the big dream, such as a horse vacation in Europe, you need to have a little piece of your dreams built into each day. I agree. Too many people end up disappointed because they think that they’ll be…
Every time I draw myself back into where I am, what I’m doing, and who I am right now, I feel more alive. And I’m pretty sure a person functions better when they are awake and aware than when they are tossing in their sleep.
The following is the story of my 60 mile bike ride where I focused on what my aging body can do, instead of what it can’t. Moose Lake State Park I sat down at our Moose Lake campsite after biking 32.8 miles from Hinckley to Moose Lake State Park. My knees and hips had begun…
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Beautiful post! I loved all the photographs.
I’m a real dark chocolate lover myself and just finished dipping strawberries, apricots, mangoes and pretzels to take to a party tonight. Yum.
Oh…how beautiful – to be able to ride your horse in fields like this!!! Lucky you!!!
What a great day!!! The horses look like they were enjoying their treat!
Happy Sunday