Hot Chicks

“Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are… Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow. One day I shall dig my nails into the earth, or bury my face in my pillow, or stretch myself taut, or raise my hands to the sky and want, more than all the world, your return. ” 
— Mary Jean Iron

I’ve had the whole week off, but do I feel refreshed and revived? Hardly! I feel very hot and wilted and frustrated that I haven’t been able to sleep (even with air conditioning). The combo of the weather and lack of sleep has made for a very cranky week.

The chickens haven’t been too thrilled either. I had some electrical work done on my shed but still need the finishing touches (like outlets). So I ran an extension cord out to the coop and hooked up a fan outside the run.

It helped some, but certain parts of the day the chickens have been panting pretty bad. There is another small fan up by the coop windows to suck out the hot air that I plug in at night.

Tuesday I did some more gardening and planted a Bodhi tree that I bought at the Farmer’s Market. 

I bought the tree because a little sign said that it is the type of tree that Buddha sat under when he had his spiritual awakening. The tree is also a symbol of wisdom. And you were questioning why I would purchase such a thing?

It’s a tropical tree, which supposedly will winter, but I think not in Minnesota. So I planted it in a pot I can take inside. We’ll see what happens.

I like the idea of growing wisdom and am afraid that I will be very upset if the tree withers up and dies.

I also finally got my vines planted around an obelisk I bought. I put the obelisk in a bit crooked on purpose as an artistic statement about my free spirit and move away from perfectionism…

Here is my first red cherry tomato! 

I have cucumber flowers and actual cucumbers showing up, which is better than I did last year.

There are zucchini flowers but no actual zucchini have appeared so I’m still sweating that one.

In fact everything is flowering — beans, peas, peppers. I’m just worried that like last year, nothing will come from the flowers.

This is me after I finished working in the garden. Lovely…

Even the dogs were not their usual raucous selfs and preferred hanging out inside.

I hear that next week (when I’m back at work) the weather is going to be lovely… I better read that quote up at the top again, about seeing the treasure of today. I will do so as I sit next to my Bodhi tree and become ever older and wiser.

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  1. The pups are so cute. My dogs have been the same way. Tomorrow ot is supposed to be 110′ in Baltimore. I don’t ever remember feeling 110.

    Your gardens look great. Stay coil!

  2. Lori – Thanks. I just got my hair cut yesterday so no more ponytails, at least for awhile.

    Leslie – 110 is a bit unimaginable, especially if humidity is involved. A cool break has to be around the corner, doesn’t it? Thanks for the pup and garden compliments!

  3. The dog days of summer, indeed! They know how to make it work the best for them. lol!
    Love the photo of you keeping it real! Your pooches (and chickens) probably think you’re nuts for being out there in the heat and dirt, though.
    Your garden looks amazing! And the Bodhi tree already looks strong and wise…and you are, too…(not older!).


  4. Lisa – Ah… thank you!

    Susan – None of the tomatoes have made it into the house so far. Pop, pop, pop!

    Marcie – I’m trying!

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