Down to the River
A rim shot of feathers
Survival Skill 1: Humor and Laughter Have you ever noticed the inevitable appearance of outrageous stories and braying guffaws at funerals? It’s like a pressure valve being turned, not in a gradual motion, but in a quick crank from closed to wide open. I have long considered humor and laughter to be a survival skill….
I write, because I lose myself and the world around me when I don’t. It feels like creation. Like evidence that I’m still here and there is time.
Piano My fingers Are they really mine? Disembodied Not as strong Or limber As they were Well-worn sheet music As familiar As my daily route And yet The surroundings Have changed I start and stop Play Waiting for neurons To remember To click For muscle memory To kick ass The fingers reach And stroke keys…
I signed up for an event called “30 Days of Biking” that asks that you bike every day of April. I’ve made if for thirteen days now. I didn’t sign up because I was thinking about goals to exercise or get out on my bike more often. What I was thinking was PHOTO PROJECT! I was…
Second round of layoffs today at work. The first round was in December, not that long ago. So far I’ve dodged the bullet. Seems like the first thought the people who remain employed have in a layoff is “Thank God it wasn’t me.” And there is a huge sense of relief. However, that’s…
I’m a little embarrassed about yesterday’s post. I’m a quiet, private kind of girl. A Zen dog — the kind of dog that Maery needs. Latte on the other hand is a Zany dog. She and Maery are a bit too alike to be good for each other in large doses. The whole bathroom thing…
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Is it OK for me to say that I’m envious of you? To my knowledge, I’ve never seen a swan in real life…much less four at a time!
I enjoyed this post.
Sue, I do feel pretty lucky and privileged every time I see a swan. On this day, they just kept gathering and building into a full flock. It was very cool!
Such beautiful images of these graceful birds. Back in Germany we had so many swans on our river, but here – nothing. I miss them, but then we have other birds here that also thrill me to no end.
These swans are so wonderful, so lovely. And I love your words…
What beautiful..beautiful winter swans!!! There’s something – I’ve always thought – even more elegant about them in the cold winter.
Beautiful Maery, just beautiful!