Remember When
I have a post on Vision and Verb today about long-term versus new relationships and the power of stories that start with “Remember when…”
Tomorrow I’ll be posted photos showing the transformation from snowy winter to spring?
I have a post on Vision and Verb today about long-term versus new relationships and the power of stories that start with “Remember when…”
Tomorrow I’ll be posted photos showing the transformation from snowy winter to spring?
It seems too early to post, but it’s already been a fun-filled day. As expected, icy snow. I swept up the barn isle and covered the worst of my path to the barn with the dusty mixture. I used some loose hay to create a path to the water tank, while Luke and Murphy watched…
It was one of those white knuckle, clenched jaw, leaning forward drives home after work today. I knew the snow was coming, which is why I went to work earlier than usual but somehow it didn’t click in my brain that it would be better to drive the truck than the Mini. Although, the roads…
This is how my window looked this morning. Good grief! Not another problem! Oh, well, what’s a little condensation (yeah, that’s dripping water, not ice). And I’m not going to even mention the broken door knob on the door out to the backyard. On to a more pleasant topic. Java and I started a Dog…
Bud Bloom My kinda Bling Bling
Generally, to get around in the dark I lug this thing around. The photo does not even begin to get across the hugeness of this flashlight. It’s a bummer because in order to actually do something, like drag the hose out and fill the tank, I have to keep putting the flashlight down and picking…
I took a mental health day today. Besides, I knew snow was coming and it would have been awful trying to get to work today. Java and I went back to the park where we had gone for the skijoring clinics last weekend, and not a soul was there. Makes sense since it was still…