Taking a Journey
I have a post on Vision and Verb today that is a continuation of my thoughts from yesterday. I hope you’ll click on by and give it a read.
Enjoy the rest of your week!
I have a post on Vision and Verb today that is a continuation of my thoughts from yesterday. I hope you’ll click on by and give it a read.
Enjoy the rest of your week!
It’s a tawdry affair, this love I have with Oboz, who cushioned my tootsies over rocky paths. Kept my feet dry when snow meltdown turned walking paths into streams. And protected my ankles from twisting when loose rocks and sand slid my feet into undesirable positions. Sadly now, the new love of my life sits idly…
Do you have tasks you hate to do or that bore the bejeebers out of you? Things like filing papers, organizing photos on the computer, and paying bills all come to mind. I’m sure you’ve read recommendations on how to deal with such jobs, such as “Set the timer for fifteen minutes and work as…
My chicks are a bit stressed from the long, bumpy ride home. Why is it we never notice how terrible a road is until every bump creates a frantic, harried, shrill chirping? One of the Buff Orpingtons is ESPECIALLY LOUD! I think they wore themselves out and thus, the photos are a bit drab but…
I’m on Vision and Verb today. I almost re-edited my post there after some of the comments I’ve had lately on my blog and on Facebook. You’ll see the portion of it I’m referring to. But I left it as is because I’m a work in progress, and I’m writing about the journey. Journeys include…
I jot notes everywhere – on scraps of paper, on the notepad on my iPhone and iPad, and in numerous other applications and software. Words are strewn everywhere and nowhere. Thoughts unfold quickly, then recoil into a ball like a pillbug that’s been touched. Is it fear that interrupts my train of thought? Fear that…
Even with only a brief visit from my son, my house feel oddly empty after he leaves. I long to make him another cup of coffee and see him standing in my kitchen, stirring in cream and sugar. I even miss watching the smoke drift past my living room window, as he stood outside on…
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Flyin’ through cyberspace right now……….