Spinning Wheels
I’m sure this feeling of being stuck
and making little progress on my creative endeavors
while everyone else is growing and spreading their wings
in awesome splendor and while they flap, flap
covering me in dust and totally messing up my hair
as they motor on by
I’m sure this is just my mind
exaggerating what I perceive
and being mean to me again
and even if I feel really old and has-beenish
(wait, I have to have been to be a has been…)
and think I should have done SOMETHING
worthwhile by now
and not just be struggling along
we all have to grow at our own rate
A study in bicycles…
And menacing trees…
A pond added to the yard this year…

Isn’t that the bees knees?
Latte on the hunt…
And so are we…
A new backyard patio and garden move
Oh let the muse run free!
Life is a warehouse sale for the initiated,
i.e., those who know where to go and find it,
then make it back to the abandoned comb
we’ve thought about so intensely across the spruced-up years.
~ John Ashbery, “Counterpane”