Anoka Halloween Parade
I had a different blog post in mind for today–an attempt at a soft horror story. But the piece needs more work, so instead, I have photos I took at the Anoka Halloween Parade.
As usual, my skill at photographing moving targets while dodging people who step in front of me leaves much to be desired. I was also shivering and hopping from foot to foot while clapping my hands to try and de-numb them.
The young people on the floats, with their bare heads and hands and thin clothes, seemed oblivious to the cold. I kept wondering who their mother was and why their hands weren’t turning into claws? Ah, the glory of young blood… Or is it vanity? I’m not sure which.
So I apologize for the quality of the photos. I likely should have broken the post up like I did for Halloween 2011, but I’ve not the energy for such considerations these days. Ah, the downfall of old blood…
Dogs of Halloween
Dog costumes are my favorite…
The Movers and Shakers
This dragon about scared Latte to death…

Fancy Floats
Gotta love the Klondike Kates…
And the Lorax from Dr. Seuss…

There’s always someone in the crowd who reminds us that winter is coming…
Have a safe and happy Halloween!
A final thought, taken from one of my favorite books…

“Aye, you’re a born hag, right enough,” said the kelda, holding her gaze. “Ye got that little bitty bit inside o’ you that holds on, right? The bitty bit that watches the rest o’ ye. ’Tis the First Sight and Second Thoughts ye have, and ’tis a wee gift an’ a big curse to ye. You see and hear what others canna, the world opens up its secrets to ye, but ye’re always like the person at the party with the wee drink in the corner who canna join in. There’s a little bitty bit inside ye that willna melt and flow.”
Terry Pratchett, The Wee Free Men
2011 Halloween Posts
Here are the links to the 2011 Anoka Halloween Parade, with photos taken after I’d first moved to the area: