The Sweet Spot

I’m looking for
A rhythm
Like hoofbeats
On rock
Like a rider
Who is joined
In the up
And the down
And the breath
And the heart
And in knowing
This is right

You know the feeling. Golfers and baseball players call it the “sweet spot”. It’s that moment when you get it just right. The longer you are able to hold and repeat that rightness, the more excited and happy you feel.

There has to be a moment, a feeling, that’s similar in living a life. But it can be as quick and as fleeting as the delicate lift of a perfect canter departure.

The next time, perhaps you think too much. You forget the feel. You’re too much into your head and not in that intuitive place that simply knows.

A tricky balance this knowing.  Hit by a hurt. A loss of confidence. By fear. By a feeling of such aloneness.

So you sit. And you wait. And you hope. And you listen for the hoofbeats that are sure to come.

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  1. What a marvelous job on the poem sweetie.

    I do know the feelin’. When I exercise I call it the ‘zone’!

    I just adore the lighting in the shots your gettin’! :o)

    God bless and have a glorious day.

  2. Oh yes, the sweet spot. I’ve hit that a few times and there is something simply magical about it. You can’t create it or wait for it — it just comes when it’s ready.

  3. So beautiful..and something we can all relate to in one way or another. That search for that sweet spot..that moment when all is in perfect balance..when all is just as it should!

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