
Chicks Happen

Chicks Happen

My chicks are a bit stressed from the long, bumpy ride home. Why is it we never notice how terrible a road is until every bump creates a frantic, harried, shrill chirping? One of the Buff Orpingtons is ESPECIALLY LOUD! I think they wore themselves out and thus, the photos are a bit drab but…

Background Noise

Background Noise

Squared The cube The cube Not a science fiction entity But an office reality Desk after desk In tick tack toe pattern And the experts say, “Open office design increases teamwork and sharing” Now that is science fiction… A body leans On my half wall Peering at my screen I twitch “Can I help you?”…

Drum Roll Please

Drum Roll Please

Building Suspense Rolled snail-lishly Or perhaps protectively Taking the fetal position Waiting for just The right moment To pop p.s. For those who have asked about Luke, I rode him today and he was awesome! Lazy yes. But awesome. Not a cough or even a snort. And one of the boarders told me Luke raced with…

Chick Delay

Chick Delay

The plan was to post tomorrow with photos of my cute new chicks. Alas, the hatchery won’t have two of the birds I ordered until next Thursday so no cute chick photos. You’ll have to settle for fungus. The chick delay is probably good as it allows more time for coop completion. Plus I have…