
Photo Thoughts

Photo Thoughts

Sylvan/silvan – pronounced (Silvuhn) noun: a spirit that lives in or frequents the woods; adjective: related to the woods I subscribe to a daily e-mail that brings me a word a day to enlarge my vocabulary. I’d be happy if I could remember the words I already know or the words I knew before I turned…

2011 – A New Year

2011 – A New Year

“Try again.  Fail again.  Fail better.”  — Samuel Beckett One can strive to make changes in their life at any time of year, but a new year seems to bring with it the promise of another chance to do this year better. My head has been pinging around like a pinball game. Remember those? So…

Thrift Store, Food, and Xena

Thrift Store, Food, and Xena

Whenever I visit family or family visits me, after their visit, their absence is heard in the silence, the lack of conversation and laughter. It’s felt in the lack of them, the empty space that was so recently filled with a familiar, cozy presence. It takes awhile to adjust and for things to feel normal…

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

I picked up my son from the airport yesterday afternoon. The first stop was a second hand store where he was hoping he’d find some decent winter boots to get him through the weekend. Unfortunately, this did not happen but he did find a pretty cool leather coat. I found a couple belts, a Santa…



katzenjammer —1. Hangover2. Distress; depression3. Confusion; clamor; uproar. Etymology: from German, from Katzen, plural of Katze (cat) + Jammer (distress, wailing). I’m going to find a way to throw that word into my conversations wherever possible… Newsflash!Another independent bookstore bites the dust!  J O’Donoghue Books in Anoka will be closing in February 2011. Damn you e-books! But I…