
Come Here | Go Away

Come Here | Go Away

Are you more on the path of accepting that you like doing things alone and thrive on your alone time, with occasional doses of small group or one-on-one best friend time? Or do you make an effort to broaden your world, meet new people and start new friendships? Is there a point of balance that you have found that works best for you?

One Day of Reality

One Day of Reality

Yes, I admit it. I’m jealous of your life. Not everyone’s life, but most everyone I follow on Facebook. You all look like you’re having so much fun, live in such beautiful areas and travel to such exciting places. And you are all so talented with art, music, photography, poetry, starting new businesses or pumping…



Have you ever had someone else’s life change in a great way, so you’re happy for them (kind of), but feeling pretty darn sorry for yourself, maybe (gasp) a bit jealous too, which makes you feel guilty and like a worm? No? Never?! My dear friend and her husband are moving on to a new…