horse care



katzenjammer —1. Hangover2. Distress; depression3. Confusion; clamor; uproar. Etymology: from German, from Katzen, plural of Katze (cat) + Jammer (distress, wailing). I’m going to find a way to throw that word into my conversations wherever possible… Newsflash!Another independent bookstore bites the dust!  J O’Donoghue Books in Anoka will be closing in February 2011. Damn you e-books! But I…



“Wherever you go, go with all your heart” — Confucius I was busy yesterday moving Luke to his new home, then helping send Murphy off to his new home. There was an e-mail from the new Murphy family last night, reporting that Murphy is curious about the other horses, is bonding with one of their…

Digging Down Deep

Digging Down Deep

Trying to put some roots down, not in a place, but in being. Digging down deep, probing the earth, sinking my fingers in ’til I feel that sense of rightness, of solid ground.   — Maery Rose I’m supposed to be straightening out my files right now. You can tell how well that’s going. It…