horse training



Last week was one of those kinds of week. Work was crazy. Every night I came home beat, unable to focus and get anything done, and frustrated because there is so much I should get done. Yes, my fence is finished and I am certainly thankful for that! But now I desperately need to seal…

Feel the Rhythm

Feel the Rhythm

Saturday morning, I went to my friend Sue’s, where she and other artists had set up their work for an art show. I wish I could show you photos of the cool stuff there but, alas, I sent my camera to Canon for repair right before I stopped at Sue’s. You’ll just have to check…



“Wherever you go, go with all your heart” — Confucius I was busy yesterday moving Luke to his new home, then helping send Murphy off to his new home. There was an e-mail from the new Murphy family last night, reporting that Murphy is curious about the other horses, is bonding with one of their…

Looking for My Tribe

Looking for My Tribe

How can one day be so wonderful and the next so awful? I thought I’d try to put up the kennel myself. After all, who else was going to do it? I opened the box and found a lot of pieces. I looked at the instructions and saw a lot of steps. I finished steps…