
Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

Let sleeping dogs lie. That’s what I’m thinking as I look at Latte snuggled next to me. She is flexing her toes and readjusting herself from being curled up into a basketball to stretching like an archer’s bow. Java is curled up next to Steve on the loveseat. She appears to be enjoying the blanket…

Here We Snow Again

Here We Snow Again

Okay, I rarely post more than once a week anymore, but I can not keep such weather joy to myself. I must share! My drive home from work: The dogs have a better attitude about it. The snow-fall hoods me round;In wood and water, earth and air,A silence everywhere. — Loreena McKennitt, “Snow” A bit of…

Who the Heck Am I Now?

Who the Heck Am I Now?

I read something the other day that said one of the most important things to do with a creative endeavor is to be authentic. Quit trying to please people by striving to figure out what they like or want or need. Stop trying to be popular! Quit reading self help books on how to be…

From My Higher Place

From My Higher Place

I cannot know what this time, this circumstance, a loss, a gain is going to mean to the entirety of my life. Why do I waste so much time resisting my circumstances instead of looking with eyes that see neither negative or positive but just go ahead and live each moment as though it is…