
2012 Holiday Happenings

2012 Holiday Happenings

I had hoped to have a more poetic, humorous, and entertaining post put together, but then it’s the holidays and there has been so much to do. There’s a bit of humor towards the end, including my imitation of Puft the Marshmallow Man from the “Ghostbusters” movie. Here’s a few photos of Shy trying out her gift from…

First Real Snow!

First Real Snow!

This was going to be a post about Bisbee (one of my favorite Arizona towns), but with the onset of snow, blogging about the desert seemed all wrong. And I know I’ve been a once a week Wednesday blogger for awhile, but the snow would be old news by Wednesday so this week I’m a…

Days in the Life

Days in the Life

Saturday, walking the woods and fields behind the library. Reaching the corn field, it looks like a tractor recently came through and plowed under the standing stalks. Rock-sized clods of black dirt lie in a wake of tire marks, segregating the field like waves on an ocean. A few geese stand, looking perplexed at the…

Leaving a Mark

Leaving a Mark

Is there anyone out there who doesn’t want to leave their own individual mark in the world? There are the literal marks, like the graffiti I saw in New York. And I’ve found this Electric Man on a few utility boxes around town. We’re not quite as colorful or imaginative in the burbs. And I pass…

The Overgrown Path

The Overgrown Path

I finally managed to fit in a 2012 camping trip last weekend. We decided to go somewhere we hadn’t been before — Itasca State Park. The problem, I discovered, with going somewhere new is you don’t know all the ins and outs of the area. The first out came when we went to our reserved,…

Unrestrained Dog Joy

Unrestrained Dog Joy

I loved so many photos that I took at the local Game Fair last Saturday that it was difficult to select which ones to put into this blog post. This wasn’t because so many shots were good – many are fuzzy, cluttered or have fence wires running through them – but through all of that,…