
Winter Walk

Winter Walk

Attention: This preempts a previously planned post that sounded too darn whiny. A winter walk Lit by snow light Quiet Sssshhh Hear the snow And geese gathering And ice moving Creeeekkkking And dogs wandering And wondering Sssshhh Pause Listen

Fashion Show

Fashion Show

If you’ve been reading this blog for awhile, you know that I am no fashionista. I try sometimes but have neither the time, patience, nor money. Especially when you don’t have a lot of money, you need the first two attributes — time and patience — to find the good deals. And fashion sense helps….

First Snow Wimpage

First Snow Wimpage

This weekend did not go according to plan. Some very wet snow, followed by a dive in temperatures brought out the wimp in me, I’m embarrassed to report. Instead of being outdoors, I went into cooking and nesting mode. Saturday, I needed to use up my remaining bread dough so I made three more baguettes,…