trail riding

I Love the Rum!

I Love the Rum!

I woke up and realized I was a double-D, not the bra size, I mean that I was feeling the effects of divorce and depression.  I did the only thing a cowgirl can do in such a situation. I loaded my horse onto the trailer and went trail riding. This whole trailering thing has given…

Simply Saturday

Simply Saturday

I took Luke to the park this morning. This time it’s Luke that has the happy feet. I’m not sure why I went with the lime green wraps. I think it was another one of those color purchases where I was thinking about being visible to hunters and not being mistaken for a deer. I…

Bird Feeder Mystery

Bird Feeder Mystery

When I let Java out last night, I saw something big jump off our bird feeder. I was thinking that either it was the biggest squirrel I’d ever seen or it wasn’t a squirrel. I ran up the steps to the deck with H’s super-duper bright flashlight and found a raccoon on the deck. This…

Just a Walk in the Park

Just a Walk in the Park

Solo Trail Ride Squeeking of leather Calling of birds Riding in the woods It’s too purty for words. Just me and my horse Ambling along. It’s such a wonderful feeling Wanna break out in song. I found a melody In the beating of hooves As my troubles drift off And over tree roofs. – Mary…